Career Counseling

No matter where you are going with your career, it always serves you well to look back at where you have been and plan wisely for your next career move. Pamela wants you to be in charge of your career.

So many of us end up without a roadmap and just haphazardly move along a career path that no longer brings the career satisfaction, meaning and fulfillment that we had once wished for. 

Benefits from the Career Roadmap

With more than twenty years of career coaching and career counseling experience, Pamela has learned that everyone benefits from the career roadmap, which includes: 

  • Identify the Type of Career for Which You are Best Suited 
  • Career Assessment & Testing 
  • Career Exploration & Career Research 
  • Career, Interview & Job Search Coaching 
  • Professional Resume Services 

By following the Career Callings™ program you will take charge of your career. Pamela Grant offers two Career Callings™ programs; one specifically for Adults and the other for Students. If you have never had a career counselor or if you have taken some Career Testing, but are still unsure of your career direction and would like to have a Career Coach help you to clarify your direction then the Career Callings™ program would best suit your needs. If you have a clear direction, but are not sure just how to propel yourself into a job search, you can simply work with Pamela Grant to help you achieve your career goals.


The Career Callings™ program provides you...

...with a career roadmap and career strategies for finding career satisfaction and career success.






Career Coaching Programs


The Career Callings™ Program consists of:



6-hours of consultation with Pamela Grant, in-person or via telephone.


A comprehensive workbook with career assessment exercises and resources to use in your career search.


A follow-up program is available (at an additional cost) with personal coaching and weekly exercises.


Career Callings™ Program


During the Adult Career Callings™ Program you will:


  • Realize what a toxic work environment is costing you.
  • Experience your "perfect" workday through a special visualization.
  • Participate in exercises to enhance your abilities to create the job you really want.
  • Practice finding and developing your own unique strengths.
  • Take the "Career Values Inventory" to identify the core principles that give real meaning to your life.
  • "Get" that you can be the solution to someone else's problem or challenge.
  • Set goals and milestones for moving toward your new career.


Career Callings™ Program


During the Student Career Callings™ Program you will:

  • Imagine a perfect work day.
  • Identify core values.
  • Complete an Individual Career Assessment.
  • Identify strengths and talents.
  • Create a 10 year plan.